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Números de contacto de emergencia

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Los servicios de respuesta están garantizados SOLO para los miembros. A los no miembros no se les garantiza una respuesta y se les pedirá que firmen un contrato de no miembro. Los servicios y las tarifas difieren. Se puede contactar a los gerentes de turno para los ejercicios.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Wind Energy

What can renewable regulators and operators learn from the oil and gas industry?

Renewable energy is rapidly gaining momentum as sustainable alternatives to traditional fossil fuels are becoming more sought after worldwide. But why would a renewable energy company need our support?

Wind Energy Turbines Offshore Wind Farm.png


There is still a ‘renewable spill risk’ that needs to be considered and applied to the oil types used in renewable energy sources. Offshore wind farms, for example, require hydraulic, lubricant, and gear oil to operate and control various mechanical components in the turbines and other equipment.

Oil spill response is science and evidence-based, which is why we need to be informed so that we can research the specific tools and techniques we would need to build a suitable strategy based on the variables encountered during a response. There is also a need to determine whether our current methods would work with wind farm renewable energy spills, specifically wind energy, as the risk profile changes.

From case studies to industry insights, we have information for the renewable energy industry to help with crisis management, dispersants and contingency planning.


Casos de estudio

Elevar la excelencia en la gestión de incidentes en energía renovable

Una empresa líder en energía renovable buscó mejorar sus capacidades de gestión de incidentes. Reconocieron la oportunidad de fortalecer su respuesta a situaciones de emergencia y mejorar la preparación general. Este estudio de caso explora su viaje y los éxitos clave que lograron después de asociarse con nosotros para la capacitación del Sistema de Gestión de Incidentes (IMS).

Lea el caso práctico

Visión de futuro y refinado

¿Qué pueden aprender los reguladores y operadores renovables del petróleo y el gas para evitar reinventar la rueda? ¿Pueden y deben aplicarse los dispersantes que la industria del petróleo y el gas ha probado ampliamente en crudos a los aceites refinados utilizados en la industria de las energías renovables? Este artículo descubre posibles brechas de conocimiento y datos en la respuesta a los derrames de petróleo asociados con las energías renovables.

Leer el artículo

Fortalecimiento de la resiliencia: Programa de capacidad de gestión de crisis de Prime Energy

Prime Energy Resources Development BV, un importante actor de petróleo y gas, nos contrató para desarrollar capacidades de gestión de crisis para su plataforma de gas recientemente adquirida en Filipinas. Reconocieron la importancia de una gestión eficaz de las crisis para garantizar la seguridad de la plataforma y de la comunidad cercana.  

Con este enfoque principal en mente, Prime Energy necesitaba un socio que los ayudara a construir y probar sus capacidades de gestión de crisis.

Lea el caso práctico

Membership Options

Based on BIMCO-RESPONSECON* terms, our membership shipping option addresses the most significant risk for the offshore wind industry, reducing the complexities of incident management in response to a shipping incident with the assurance of a guaranteed and immediate response, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.


One call to expertise and resources

In the event of an oil spill incident during an offshore wind farm installation, the decision on which response provider to activate may not be very clear. Depending on the incident's location, size, and nature, this can be a complicated process and consume a significant amount of precious time. Our associate membership package for shipping provides the offshore wind farm industry access to world-class advisory support and a dedicated physical response capability – significantly reducing the complexity of managing an incident and coordinating remediation efforts.


Save critical time at the outset of an incident

With a single call, members can activate OSRL, providing immediate expert advice and response, coordinated from one of our strategically located hubs around the world and all based on BIMCO-RESPONSECON*


 *BIMCO-RESPONSECON is an international spill response contract for hire of clean-up services and equipment following a spill of oil or other hazardous or noxious substances. For more information, click here.